Consulting Division Partner
Bachelor's Degree in Commerce, Doshisha University
Certified Public Accountant/Licensed Tax Accountant
After being involved in a wide variety of businesses including the securitization of monetary claims and real estate, trust product development, and valuation of claims and stocks, Hidehito Nakazawa is currently mainly in charge of project finance.
His main responsibilities in the area of project finance include the provision of advice on the schemes used for various power generation businesses, concession projects (such as airport), PFI projects (e.g., town development projects), etc., verification of business income projections (cash flow models) from the accounting and tax perspectives, and the development of and support for cash flow models. He is excellent at providing solution-oriented advice by making use of his extensive knowledge in the areas of accounting, tax, legal affairs, and finance.
Joined Aozora Bank, Ltd. (formerly The Nippon Credit Bank, Limited.)
Joined Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Partner, Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Project finance
– Advice on schemes
– Accounting and tax review services
– Business income projection (cash flow model) development and support services
2nd Workshop on Lower Carbon Footprint Project for Regional Financial Institutions in 2015 (responsible for tax and risk assessment and feasibility assessment), Ministry of the Environment
Part-time Lecturer at Professional Graduate Schools, Chuo University (in charge of accounting and tax for securitization transactions)
Case Studies: Various Legal, Accounting and Tax Issues in a Worsening or Weak Real Estate Fund Market
Points to be Noted in Preparing Business Income Projection for a Solar Power Generation Project, Junkan Keirijouhou (No. 1364, November 20, 2013), Chuokeizai-Sha Holdings, Inc.
Renewable Power Generation Business under Scrutiny from Tax Perspectives, Kaikei Homu A2Z (July 2013), Dai-Ichi Hoki Co., Ltd.
Accounting for Subordinated Beneficial Interest Held by the Transferor in Securitization Transactions of Claims, Junkan Keirijouhou (No. 1341, March 10, 2013), Chuokeizai-Sha Holdings, Inc.
The Feed-In Tariff Scheme to Start!: Key Tax Considerations for Solar Power Generation Business, Zeimu Koho (Vol. 60, No. 10, October 2012), Chuokeizai-Sha Holdings, Inc.
Key Accounting and Tax Considerations for Solar Power Generation Business, Junkan Keirijouhou (No. 1306, February 20, 2012), Chuokeizai-Sha Holdings, Inc.