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Tokyo Kyodo FAS Co., Ltd.

A full range of hands-on services, from deal sourcing to execution

A full range of hands-on services, from deal sourcing to execution

Tokyo Kyodo FAS is a consulting firm in the Tokyo Kyodo Group that provides financial advisory services (FAS) for M&A transactions and corporate rehabilitation.


In recent years, the growth in the Japanese market has been slow owing to the low birthrate, aging society, and falling population. It is said that if Japanese companies do not create more self-directed and proactive growth strategies, they may not even be able to survive, let alone grow.


Given this corporate environment, this company began as an organization capable of providing services to clients from the perspective of management and financial strategy, beyond the domain of accounting and taxation consulting. We offer a full range of hands-on services, from deal sourcing to execution, for both M&A deals and corporate rehabilitation.


Features of our services

M&A financial advisory services
M&A financial advisory services

We leverage our network of experts in more than 25 countries around the world to support a wide range of M&A deals from large to medium scale


We provide financial advisory services to support M&A transactions in Japan and overseas.

We are the only Japanese member of the Mergers Alliance, a group of experts providing high-quality FA services for companies engaging in cross-border M&A, with a network of 38 offices in 25 countries around the world. Cross-border M&A by Japanese companies are continuing to increase. In these conditions, we utilize the Mergers Alliance network to introduce excellent companies in a diverse range of industries and sectors outside of Japan to Japanese companies. Members with deep knowledge of structuring and the reorganization taxation system also support M&A transactions within Japan. Going forward, the Tokyo Kyodo Group as a whole will endeavor to strengthen and enhance our service, to enable us to provide financial services with an even higher level of added value and quality.


■Acquisition support

■Sale support

■Organizational restructuring support

■Joint venture establishment support

■Support for new market entry (partner candidate and target research)

We leverage our network of experts in more than 25 countries around the world to support a wide range of M&A deals from large to medium scale


We provide financial advisory services to support M&A transactions in Japan and overseas.

We are the only Japanese member of the Mergers Alliance, a group of experts providing high-quality FA services for companies engaging in cross-border M&A, with a network of 38 offices in 25 countries around the world. Cross-border M&A by Japanese companies are continuing to increase. In these conditions, we utilize the Mergers Alliance network to introduce excellent companies in a diverse range of industries and sectors outside of Japan to Japanese companies. Members with deep knowledge of structuring and the reorganization taxation system also support M&A transactions within Japan. Going forward, the Tokyo Kyodo Group as a whole will endeavor to strengthen and enhance our service, to enable us to provide financial services with an even higher level of added value and quality.


■Acquisition support

■ Sale support

■Organizational restructuring support

■Joint venture establishment support

■Support for new market entry (partner candidate and target research)

Corporate rehabilitation advisory services

Corporate rehabilitation advisory services based on our proprietary business capability diagnosis, which has been highly praised by client companies, financial institutions, and the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Revitalization Support Council


In corporate rehabilitation, we offer support for voluntary rehabilitation, covering not only analysis of financial statements, but also growth strategy support based on our business capability diagnosis. We also propose actions such as M&A rehabilitation, including exploring potential sponsors. Our capabilities in consulting and the field of corporate rehabilitation have been highly praised by our clients, the Small and Medium Enterprise Vitalization Support Center, and even financial institutions, and we have won many awards. The fact that senior team members with a wealth of experience provide integrated services has also contributed to us gaining the trust of all parties involved.


■Corporate rehabilitation support

 (due diligence, corporate rehabilitation plan formulation support)

■Corporate rehabilitation plan verification


Junri Imaizumi

Junri Imaizumi

Corporate finance strategy advisory
Representative Director

Keisuke Saito

Keisuke Saito

Corporate finance strategy advisory

Company profile

Company name

Tokyo Kyodo FAS Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Junri Imaizumi

Description of business

Advice and consulting on management and financial strategies, etc.

Overseas network

Mergers Alliance


Marunouchi Eiraku Building 24F, 4-1 Marunouchi 1-Chome, Chiyoda ku, Tokyo, Japan

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