Operations related to finance, accounting, and general affairs of special purpose companies
We have created a backup system in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, where there are few disasters, to prepare for the execution of mission-critical services in the event of a large-scale disaster or other emergencies.
Tokyo Kyodo Nishinihon Business Center Co., Ltd. was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office, to function as a BCP site for Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office, which has a strong track record of management work for SPCs as a pioneer in Japan of the business of vehicle-based asset securitization.
We have created backup systems for personnel and systems. Their greatest mission is to continue to provide urgent and important remittance services in the event of a large-scale disaster in Tokyo, infectious pandemic, or other emergency.
As well as being blessed with the temperate climate of the Seto Inland Sea, Takamatsu City in Kagawa Prefecture, where this company is located, suffers from relatively few natural disasters, such as earthquakes or tsunami, and the amount of damage from natural disasters is among the lowest in Japan. It is extremely well suited to BCP, enabling us to support the management of important funds for our clients through the development of systems for performing entrusted services on par with those of financial institutions.
We are enhancing our operational systems and data center capabilities to enable us to provide services that remotely complement vehicle fund management services.
We provide SPC accounting bookkeeping and fund management services, working with Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office’s Financial Solutions Department Accounting Service Team, Fund Team, and other teams.
We have ensured highly efficient services and strong internal controls through the introduction of paperless operations, RPA, etc., as part of measures to enhance our systems to provide higher quality services.
■Financial and accounting services for SPCs and general operating companies
■Fund management
Mainly remittance of expenses, etc., payment of taxes, deposit account statement acquisition, and other services for SPCs for bankruptcy-remoteness, asset-holding SPCs, general operating companies, and others
■Accounting and bookkeeping
Mainly corporate accounting and reporting material preparation, etc., particularly for SPCs for bankruptcy-remoteness, as well as outsourced accounting for general operating companies, etc.
Various forms of data entry, preparation of electronic media, etc.
Company name
Tokyo Kyodo Nishinihon Business Center Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Ryutaro Uchiyama
Description of business
Operations related to finance, accounting, and general affairs of special purpose companies
9F Central Tamachi Building, 11-5 Tamachi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
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