About Social Media Policy

With respect to the attitude and behaviors to be observed in the official social media accounts (hereinafter referred to as "the Account”) operated by each business entity of the Tokyo Kyodo Group* (hereinafter referred to as "Our Company" or "We"), the following provisions are in place.
* Please see the Tokyo Kyodo Group List for details.

1. Basic Policy

Our Company shall, when utilizing social media, always control ourselves not to make any statement or behavior that deviates from the heathy common sense of society and endeavor to send information in an appropriate manner.

2. Participants' understanding on and readiness for the characteristics of media

When participating in social media, participants shall:

  1. Always pay respect to the counterpart of the communication and have an attitude to listen.
  2. Make the purpose of communication clear and provide valuable information.
  3. Send correct information and pay full attention to avoid any misleading expressions.
  4. Fully take into consideration that the information sent may be accessed by many and unspecified users.
  5. Fully take into consideration that the information may not be completely deleted once sent.
  6. Make an apology and correction in a prompt manner should any incorrect information be sent or misleading posting made.
  7. Pay full attention to comply with various laws and regulations.

In particular, participants shall understand that they should not infringe on any copyright, portrait right, or third party's honor by way of malicious slander, or any other rights, and behave in a responsible manner.

3. Information for users of social media and relevant requests

  1. Official Account
    Various information on Our Company's recruitment, seminars, publications and others is provided on an irregular basis.
  2. Contact
    No individual response is given with the Account.
    Contact for inquiries
  3. About information sent from the Account
    Please note that the information sent on social media by Our Company or its members does not necessarily represent our official announcement or opinions and that we make no warranty as to the completeness, correctness and usability of the information provided thereon.
    Please see our website and news releases for Our Company's official announcement or opinions.
    Our Company shall not be liable for any damage you may incur from using the information either directly or indirectly.
  4. Prohibitions
    Please note that, in the event that any of the acts stipulated below should be made to the Account by you, your posting may be deleted and/or the account from which the posting was made may be blocked at Our Company's discretion. Our Company shall not be liable for any damage you may incur as a result of such process.
    1. Acts which are or may be contrary to public policy
    2. Acts which lead or may lead to illegal or criminal acts
    3. Acts which cause a problem, disadvantage or damage, or which Our Company determines to have the possibility to do so
    4. Acts of identifying, disclosing, or leaking any personal information of other customer or a third party without obtaining the individual's consent
    5. Acts of defaming any specific person or group by impairing its honor or credibility
    6. Election campaigns, religious activities or any other similar acts
    7. Acts which infringe on intellectual property rights (copyright, trademark right, and others), portrait rights and/or privacy
    8. Usage of Our Company's social media for commercial purposes
    9. Act of impersonating a third party including Our Company
    10. Those which violate the terms of use of respective social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LINE, etc.)
    11. Acts which otherwise Our Company determines to be inappropriate, such as hampering administration and/or operation
  5. Disclaimer
    1. Our Company shall not be liable for any damage you may incur as a result of your usage of or inability to use the Account, or absence of any respective response to your posting from Our Company.
    2. Our Company shall neither be liable for any problem that occurs between you and other customers or a third party in relation to the Account.
    3. The content provided in the Account is subject to change or deletion without notice.
    4. Our Company makes no warranty with regard to the functionalities and security of the Account.
    5. Our Company may suspend or discontinue the operation of the Account without notice.
    6. Our Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by you or any third party from matters associated with the Account.

4. Amendment to the Policy

Our Company may amend the content of this Policy in whole or in part as needed. Any amendment will be announced by posting it on this website or through other means.

5. Governing laws and jurisdiction

This Policy shall be governed by the laws of Japan and any dispute arising with respect to the Account shall be resolved by the Tokyo District Court as the agreed exclusive jurisdiction for the first instance.

Last revision: April 8, 2022

24th floor,Marunouchi Eiraku Building, 1-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office
Representative Partner: Ryutaro Uchiyama
* Please see the Tokyo Kyodo Group List for details on other business entities.
