Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office Accounting and Tax Advisor (Senior Adviser)
Bachelor's Degree in Business and Commerce, Keio University
Bachelor's Degree in Law (LLB), Keio University
Licensed Tax Accountant
U.S. Certified Public Accountant
Keigo Hirano has been providing cross-border wealth management services for more than 15 years.
He engages in the provision of tax advice on asset management, wealth preservation, and succession of ultra high-net-worth individuals who have assets both in Japan and overseas, such as members of a business owner family, or whose heirs (relatives and others) reside overseas, as well as the provision of support for family offices.
He also supports cross-border inheritance cases in cooperation with experts overseas.
Joined Mitsui Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (currently Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.)
Joined Actus International Accounting Office. (currently Actus Tax Corporation.)
(1999–2000: Seconded to the International Taxation Group at the New York Office of Grant Thornton LLP.)
Joined Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Partner, Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Senior Advisor, Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Wealth management
– Supporting the development and execution of various investment structures both in Japan and overseas
– Supporting the formulation and execution of asset succession plans
– Supporting the formulation and execution of business succession plans
– Supporting the operations of family offices and personal investment companies
– Supporting cross-border inheritance and emigration
– Providing tax advice related to the services listed above
Hawaii Real Estate Investment Seminar, Starts International Hawaii
Latest Tax Issues in Private Banking (PB), ALICO Japan
Latest Tax Issues in Private Banking (PB), FN Communications Co., Ltd.
Latest Tax Practice in Private Banking, Seminar Info Co., Ltd.
* He has given many other seminars for financial institutions on such topics as preparing for inheritance and business succession and tax reforms.
Legal Advice on Business Succession, Seirin Shoin (September 2018)
Transfer pricing regulations in Japan, Transfer Pricing Review (November 2010), Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC
Issues in Agent PE Taxation on Corporations Engaging in Investment Management Business in Japan: Approach from Transfer Pricing Analysis, Monthly Kokusai Zeimu (No. 259, May 2010), Zeimu Kenkyukai
Case Studies: Taxes on Financial Transactions Made Easy! (serialization), KINZAI Financial Plan (Vol. 20, No. 280; Vol. 20, No. 284; June to October 2008), Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, Inc.