Consulting Division Supervisor
Certified Public Accountant
Maho Takai's main practice areas are in corporate finance (financial due diligence services related to M&A, financial and business due diligence services related to business revitalization,and the development of management plans), structured finance (AUP services related to the liquidation of various loan receivables), and project finance (operations for reviewing accounting tax items for cash flow models related to biomass and other renewable energy, and the preparation of accounting tax reports and opinions).
Joined Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Joined Attax Business Consulting Co., Ltd.
Joined Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office
Corporate Finance
-Financial due diligence work related to M&A
-Formulation of financial and business due diligence operations and management plans for business revitalization
Project finance
-Review of accounting tax items for cash flow models
-Preparation of accounting tax reports and opinions