Consulting Division Senior Manager
Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Yamaguchi University
Licensed Tax Accountant
In recent years, Takeshi Matsuno has focused on providing project finance-related services. In particular, he provides accounting and tax advice, performs reviews of accounting and tax components of cash flow models, and prepares accounting and tax reports and opinions that are a prerequisite for the execution of finance transactions for various renewable energy projects, such as solar power, wind power (including offshore wind power), biomass, and hydraulic power, as well as a broad range of infrastructure projects, including concession projects.
In reviews of accounting and tax components of cash flow models, accurate and detailed comments will be provided to the client based not only on the verification of assumptions, but also on the deciphering of complex calculation structures.
Other structured finance-related services provided include accounting and tax advisory services for trusts and partnerships and AUP services for securitization transactions.
Joined Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Project finance
– Accounting and tax advisory services
– Review of accounting and tax components of cash flow models
– Preparation of accounting and tax reports and opinions
Structured finance
– Accounting and tax advisory services
– AUP services
Accounting and Tax in Securitization Transactions (Practice) (Practical Lecture No. 8), Securitization Forum of Japan
Basic Knowledge of Accounting and Tax in Securitization Transactions (Basic Lecture No. 10), Securitization Forum of Japan
2nd Workshop on Lower Carbon Footprint Project for Regional Financial Institutions in 2015 (responsible for tax and risk assessment and feasibility assessment), Ministry of the Environment
Case Studies: Various Legal, Accounting and Tax Issues in a Worsening or Weak Real Estate Fund Market, Financial Management Forums, Inc.
Structures of Securitization and Fund Vehicles and Basics of Their Tax and Accounting, Stock Research Co., Ltd.
Basic Lecture on Accounting and Tax Considerations for Real Estate Securitization, Tokyo Financial Planners Co., Ltd.
Illustrative Manual of Real Estate Contract Drafting, Shinnippon-Hoki Publishing (April 9, 2015)
Points to be Noted in Preparing Business Income Projection for a Solar Power Generation Project, Junkan Keirijouhou (No. 1364, November 20, 2013), Chuokeizai-Sha Holdings, Inc.
Renewable Power Generation Business under Scrutiny from Tax Perspectives, Kaikei Homu A2Z (July 2013), Dai-Ichi Hoki Co., Ltd.