Tokyo Kyodo Risk Management Services Co., Ltd.
Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Studies, Sophia University
Licensed Tax Accountant
Non-life Insurance Planner
As she was engaged in lawsuits and negotiations regarding the legal liability of tax accountants when she worked in her previous job, Tomoko Kubosawa provides consulting services to prevent the legal liability of licensed tax accountants. She presents various proposals from a risk management viewpoint that cover a wide range, such as rule making regarding the exchange of information with clients, the management of the submission of tax returns and reports, the preparation of proposals in consulting services, and other matters to build the organizational structures of tax accountants' corporations, as well as educating office members to prevent legal liability of tax accountants.
She also performs the assessment of risks of legal liability of certified public tax accountants if you answer questions on the organizational structures of tax accountants' corporations. Please use the result of the assessment for the future management and operation of your office.
Joined an educational institution.
Joined an independent accounting office.
Joined Torikai Law Office.
Joined Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
– Consulting on how to prevent damage claims against certified public tax accountants
– Tax Liability Risk Diagnosis Operations
– Workshop for tax accountant and CPA firm staff
– Tax Liability Addition/Conditional Insurance Handling Operations
「Impact of COVID-19 and risks for offices which may be caused by working from home! at JP Zeimu Senryaku Kenkyukai
* Holds case study workshops on legal liability of certified public tax accountants three times a year at JP Zeimu Senryaku Kenkyukai.
“Specific responses to risks involving certified public tax accountants’ business” at Fulcrum Inc.
“Preventive measures using cases of certified public tax accountants’ liability for damages” at Business Accounting Club
Rules observed by offices which do not cause tax-related troubles Zeimu Kouhou April 2021 to April 2022, CHUOKEIZAI-SHA HOLDINGS, INC.
50 items to remember for tax examinations 2 Zeimu Kouhou (Vol. 69/No. 1) January 2021, CHUOKEIZAI-SHA HOLDINGS, INC.
“A scheme for ‘usage classification’ and use of ‘other ratios’ – practical issues involving tax deductions for taxable purchase for consumption tax” Junkan Keiri Joho (No. 1529) November 20, 2018, CHUOKEIZAI-SHA HOLDINGS, INC.
“The latest judicial precedent: the Tokyo District Court ruling on November 29, 2016” Zei to Keiei (No. 1987) February 21, 2018, Zeikei
“Responsibility of certified public tax accountants as professionals and measures to prevent troubles” (co-authored) December 2013, SEIBUNSHA CO., LTD.