Financial Solutions Division Assistant Manager
Graduated from Yokohama National University
Certified Public Accountant
Licensed Real Estate Appraiser
Tomonori Ishiwata joined the Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office in 2017 after working for a real estate appraisal office, an auditing firm, and an investment company. He has consistently been involved in areas that span real estate and accounting and also has a deep knowledge of securitization services such as SPC and REIT as well as CRE strategies.
He is currently involved in the consignment of general REIT office work and SPC management services. He also serves as the Supervisory Director at XYMAXREIT Investment Corporation as well as an Expert Member for the Securitization Evaluation Committee, Japan Association of Real Estate Appraisers and Auditor for Japan Association of Real Estate Counselors.
Joined K.K. Kawamura Fudosan Kantei Jimusho.
Joined Century Ota Showa & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC.)
Joined First Brothers Co., Ltd.
Joined Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Fund management
– General REIT office work consignment, establishment/listing advisory services
– SPC management services
“Corporate Real Estate and Internationalization of Accounting”: Meiji Business School, 9th Corporate Activities and Real Estate – Basic Seminar
“Real Estate Mark-to-Market Accounting Seminar”: TOKYO KANTEI Co., Ltd.
“CRE (Corporate Real Estate) Management Practice Seminar”: Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd.
“International Accounting Standards and CRE Management”: CRE/PRE Conference 2009
“Accounting Practices and Audits for Shinkin Banks/Credit Associations – Self-assessment/Depreciation Provision Edition” (co-authored): Economic Legal Research Institute, July 1, 2013
“Real Estate Industry (Accounting Series by Industry)” (co-authored): Dai-Ichi Hoki Co., Ltd., October 1, 2010
“CRE Strategy – Leveraging Corporate Real Estate in Management” (co-authored): Nikkei Publishing Inc., July 21, 2009
“Accounting and Tax in Real Estate Transactions Q&A” (co-authored): CHUOKEIZAI-SHA HOLDINGS, INC., August 1, 2008