Consulting Division Partner
Bachelor's Degree, Keio University
Licensed Tax Accountant
In the area of M&A, Yuichi Hirano has experience both as a consultant of an accounting firm and as a financial advisor at a major investment bank, and he provides a wide range of services including financial and tax due diligence, corporate valuation, and financial advisory services.
In the area of project finance, he engages mainly in services related to concession and renewable energy projects.
Joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co.
Joined Ernst & Young Transaction Advisory Services Co., Ltd.
Joined SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Joined Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office as a Manager.
Partner, Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office.
Corporate finance
– Financial due diligence services
– Tax due diligence services
– Corporate valuation services
– Financial advisory services
Project finance
– Concession projects
– Renewable energy